Why candidates fail in SSB screening ?

Why candidates fail in SSB screening?

1.Not being aware of the process-


  • A picture is shown for 30 seconds.

  • You get 4 minutes to write a story.

  • Thereafter story narration and discussion conducted in a separate room,in a group of 12-15 candidates.

  • Discussion is focused towards reaching a common story.

2.What is exact expected from your story?

  • Just describing the picture is not sufficient for story.

  • Ensure that you write a relevant story.

3.Poor communication skills-

  • Narrate the story confidently.

  • Some candidates lake good communication skills.

  • Give out the best points so your story choosen.

4.Poor narration-

  • Narrate the story confidently.

  • Show your ability to influence the group.

  • Dress properly for stage-I, simple,formal dress with matching shoes is ideal.

5.Lack of confidence-

  • Don't hesitate while narrating your story.

  • Have eye contact with every group member.

  • Don't give attention to board members.

6.Lack of substance-

  • Observe picture clearly.

  • What's happening?

    • Number of characters and their gender

    • Mood- positive/negative; sad/happy; angry/calm

    • Age of characters

    • Identify the main character- Hero

  • Make sure your story is giving a solution.

  • Ensure legit hand writing, no cuttings,no spelling/grammatical mistakes.

  • Show your imagination, creativity,depth, how you perceive the picture.

  • Writing of story shows your written communication skills.

Remember these tricks to write a story-

(i) Observe what is happening in the picture.

(ii) What could have led to that situation.

(iii) and what is likely to happen

It will meet your criteria of the story writing.

7. Initiative-

  • Initiative in group discussion.

  • Whether you are able to take the intiavtive or not, whether you remain quiet, whether you are scared.

  • Be the part of group,you have to take initiative.

8. Ability to influence the group-

  • Display your confidence otherwise others will not give you attention

9. Overweight and improperly dressed-

  • Don't be improperly dressed.

Aim of stage- I testing:-

  1. Selecting potential candidates for stage-II

  2. Screen out grossly- Inadequate candidate

  3. Candidates who lack potential,will be screened out.

10. Sometimes even good candidate gets left out due to large reporting-

In the stage-I, the selection rate could be anything from, 10% to 70%- It will exactly depend on number of reportin, number of handling capacity of the board. A board can handle only 40-50 candidates for stage-II.

(i) Suppose, If 400 candidates are reporting there then screening rate will be only 10%.

Due to large crowd, sometimes even good candidates left out but if only 100 candidates are reporting,take advantage of opportunity and prove yourself.

Because of this issue SSB will be going to try new methods like


  • Stage-I will be conducted in regional centres near your home in DE-NOVO process.

Don't get dis-heartened if you are rejected in stage-I, you still have the chance.

Best of luck for your SSB.


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